My Acne.Org Journey – Week 3!


It’s that time of week again! A progress update for anyone considering purchasing The Regimen from! This is my third week on the products and while I haven’t noticed a huge reduction in the redness of my skin I’ll let you all know some of the things I’ve noticed this week and things I’ve learned along the way so far!

Last week I started off with telling you guys how horribly dry and flaky my skin was! While it’s still flaky and I have a problem with the dry dead skin around my temples getting into my hair (making me look like I have dandruff) it has lost all of that dry, cracking, stinging feeling which is AWESOME! I still get a little bit of uncomfortable itchiness at night when I put on more of the benzoyl peroxide treatment but I think my skin is finally getting used to it! While I’m not back to having crazy oily skin, it is starting to produce more oil than last week so I don’t look like I have dragon scales anymore! I have noticed more this week that the dry skin is flaking off my face, allowing for new skin to come to the surface which is making my complexion much smoother! I’ve honestly never felt my face so smooth! It’s also good because I’ve been DYING to exfoliate throughout this process because it’s no good for acne to be trapped under dead skin!

Now this past week I have been AWFUL about touching my face and reverting back to picking my skin so it is ENTIRELY my own fault for being more red this week than I was in my last photos but I can’t stress enough how much better the texture of my skin is!

I’ve posted below a photo of my skin that I took WITH makeup on before I started The Regimen to show just how bad the texture of my skin was before I started and a picture I took this morning with makeup on to show the difference! Before I started this skincare routine I had not only red pimples and acne on my face (mostly my chin and jaw) but also all of these tiny little bumps that were almost whiteheads all over my cheeks. I had never ever before in my life had bumps like that. When my acne started in around 7th grade, the majority of my problem was on my forehead and chin and that T-zone area right around the nose. Even through high school and most of college my cheeks remained fairly clear with some pimples coming up every now and then. So when I really started to get all of these tiny bumps on my cheeks I just got completely fed up. THANK GOODNESS for this skin care routine because it has saved my sanity.

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Before starting



I mean, JUST LOOK AT THE DIFFERENCE! You can see that there are still some small bumps along my cheekbones but for the most part they’ve gone down an INCREDIBLE amount and it makes my makeup go on so much smoother every day! The bumps don’t show up as much in the progress pictures but once I put on makeup and even out my skin tone they become REALLY visible and I’m so thankful they’ve diminished!

So now onto the progress pictures! Like I said before, there is more redness in these pictures but that is ENTIRELY my fault because I was bad and picked at my skin (old habits die hard right?!) But I’m trying to be more conscience about when I touch my face throughout the day and trying not to slip back into bad habits!


Left Side START – Left Side WEEK 1


Left Side WEEK 2 – Left Side WEEK 3


Right Side WEEK 2 – Right Side WEEK 3


Right Side START – Right Side WEEK 1


Forehead WEEK 2 (top) – Forehead WEEK 3 (bottom)


Forehead START (top) – Forehead WEEK 1 (bottom)

So there’s my progress for week 3! So far I’m REALLY happy with the results and am getting close to needed to order more! For anyone wanting to order shipping is fo FREE with orders over $40 and every single kit is over $40 (the basic is $44) so if you’re considering buying it but are worried about the cost I completely encourage you to save up and order at least the basic kit! It has helped me tremendously so far and I can’t wait to finally have clear skin! Thanks for reading love bugs!



My Acne.Org Journey – Week Two!


It’s April! We’re so close to summer I can FEEL IT! It’s been another week on “The Regimen” from and for those of you considering buying it I’ll break down some things I’ve noticed and some things I recommend based on my skin this week!

FIRST of all, let’s just talk about how incredibly DRY my skin has been this week (I’m even wearing a makeup for dry skin today…WHO AM I?!). To the point that it’s so painful. Maybe it’s because I went from having skin like an oil slick to my face producing NO OIL whatsoever the past few days so I’m not at all used to dealing with dry skin. And my oily girls are probably like “OMG that sounds like a dream!” because, trust me, I thought that too when my skin ended up looking like I rubbed a stick of butter on my face by the end of the day. But I have a new found sympathy for all my friends with extremely dry skin and if there is one thing I can recommend from buying this regimen it is that you should 100% BUY THE JOJOBA OIL!!!!

On their website they have about 6 different types of kits you can buy (I got the basic cleanser, treatment, moisturizer kit, but there are also different sizes of the basic kit, body acne kits and kits with some extras added in) and a few of them include the jojoba oil and I thought “oh I have suuuuper oily skin I probably won’t need this!” but HOLY COW I do. The best way I could describe my skin the past few days is that dry chapped feeling you get around your nose when you have a cold and end up blowing your nose a zillion times a day but! So now you’re all probably like HECK NO I’m not buying that stuff! BUT that is why I think you NEED to buy the jojoba oil. It should come standard in every kit if you ask me because I love the progress that I’m seeing in clearing my skin but it has just been so uncomfortable the past few days (which is explained when you purchase that your skin WILL be irritated for a few weeks.)

SO since I didn’t order the jojoba oil originally, I set out yesterday to find some at my local drugstores and found NONE so I went ahead and got baby oil because I figured it was probably the next best thing (baby skin is delicate so I thought it would probably be a lot less irritating than a Neutrogena oil that I found) and mixed about 10 drops in with my moisturizer last night and my skin felt soooooo much better this morning! So now that I know oil will work I’m going to search for some jojoba around me somewhere! (UPDATE: I found some at the vitamin/supplement store GNC but I know you can also get it at Trader Joe’s and probably Whole Foods if you’re looking for it!)

Another thing I noticed was that my skin would STING after I put the moisturizer on. Especially when I went to put on my makeup afterwards. The combination of dry chapped feeling skin and stinging is NOT A GOOD ONE! So this morning I went reeeeally slow, took my time doing the treatment and the moisturizer and didn’t rush to just slap it all on my face. I moisturized each section of my face separately so that the treatment didn’t get into the suuuuuper dry parts around my nose and mouth or the sensitive skin around my eyes. That helped A LOT. It’s hard in the morning when you just want to get it on your face and get out the door before you’re late but the creators of this product aren’t kidding when they say to take your time and be gentle!

So with all of that being said, I have noticed even more improvements in my skin and am going to charge through the uncomfortable feeling with the help of some oils and extra moisturizer and hopefully come out with CLEAR SKIN! YAY!

I put pictures from last week here too just in case you want to see it from the start as well as from week to week! 🙂 (Also, I put some extra prescribed moisturizer around my nose and mouth that I had before to help with the dry skin so you can see a bit of a Santa Claus beard on my chin! haha!)

Left Side


Left Side WEEK 1 – Left Side WEEK 2


Left Side START – Left Side WEEK 1

Right Side


Right Side WEEK 1 – Right Side WEEK 2


Right Side START – Right Side WEEK 1



Forehead WEEK 1 (top) – Forehead WEEK 2 (bottom)


Forehead START (top) – Forehead WEEK 1 (bottom)

So there’s my progress for this week! I WILL find some jojoba oil (or keep using baby oil) and I emailed and they told me it would be okay to cut back to using the treatment only once a day if the burning stinging feeling persists. I probably put on too much treatment too quickly so I’ll be dialing it down for sure! (That’s another thing, if you have ANY questions about ANYTHING regarding your skin just email them and they get right back to you within 24 hours or so!)

Thanks for reading and as always feel free to ask questions! If you want to keep seeing progress check back again in a week!

